Worst passwords ever
Posted by Stanislav Furman on February 14, 2017In 2016-2017 pretty much all media were talking about hacking that happened during the US presidential campaign (did it actually happened or not - that's a different story). You can see many articles in the Internet and in paper books about how it is important to have a strong password. Seems like everybody should know this now. However, security professionals regularly meet passwords that are ridiculously unsafe.
Guys from Keeper Security, authors of the Keeper Password Manager, have compiled a list of the most commonly used passwords involved in data breaches in 2016. According to this blog post, these unsafe passwords are using in about 50% of 10 million password that were analyzed! Mostly, there are no surprises. People still use passwords like "password", "123456", "qwerty", etc. Nevertheless, there are some interesting examples such as “18atcskd2w” and “3rjs1la7qe”. Those passwords seem relatively strong, right? It seems like those passwords were created by bots for spam or flood activities and those passwords were used over and over in different sites.
PS: The only question that I have though is how Keeper Security found out about passwords that were involved in data breaches? Didn't they actually analyze their data? ;)
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